"The Birth of Rozzitte:
A Journey from Potato Chips to
Soulful Furniture"

Our story

It All Started with a Potato Chip
In the vibrant streets of London, an ordinary lunch turned into the extraordinary genesis of a remarkable journey. Picture this: a man, his wife, and their daughter nestled in an English restaurant, savoring a leisurely meal. Among the delectable fare was a humble portion of potato chips—crispy, distinct, and brimming with a symphony of flavors that danced across the palate. As the man sampled these exceptional chips, he couldn't help but marvel at their complexity and richness. Turning to his wife, he inquired about their origin, and her answer was as captivating as it was unexpected. These potato chips, she revealed, hailed from a variety of potatoes known as "Rozzetta," esteemed as one of the finest worldwide. The name struck a chord, a unique melody that resonated with their souls. Yet, it was the man's daughter, a young voice teeming with innocence and wonder, who ignited the spark that would forever transform their lives. "Papa, I want more Rozzite, Rozzite, Rozzite," she exclaimed with joy, and in that heartfelt moment, destiny took a new course. From the earliest days of his life, the man had been entwined with nature's intricacies, particularly the enigmatic allure of wood. Guided by an innate connection with the medium, he passionately crafted myriad objects, sensing the whispered tales and untold stories residing within each piece of timber. With the passage of time, he matured into a luminary in his field, pioneering revolutionary furniture designs that resonated with a symphony of emotions. When his beloved daughter's innocent plea echoed in his heart, he knew it was time to embark on an audacious venture of his own. The name "Rozzite" seized his imagination, embodying more than a mere label for furniture. Rozzite encapsulated the essence of each creation—a manifestation of the soul's narrative, an intricate dance of passion and ingenuity. Every Rozzite piece is born from a confluence of inspiration, story, and unyielding dedication. They're not just furniture units; they're living, breathing extensions of the artist's spirit, meticulously handcrafted to capture emotions, experiences, and journeys within their grain. The intricate designs echo the resonance of the designer's heart, immortalizing moments and sentiments. Here at Rozzite, we don't merely offer furniture; we bestow upon you a fragment of the living wood's legacy, a chapter that begins with us but continues with you. Our pieces are more than static forms; they're living chronicles, waiting to be woven into your story, becoming an integral part of your life's tapestry. So, let our meticulously crafted designs resonate with the echoes of history, passion, and authenticity. Embrace Rozzite, where each piece is an ode to life's intricacies, inviting you to be a part of its ongoing narrative—one that transcends time, emotion, and imagination. Feel free to adjust and modify any part of the story to best align with your brand's vision and messaging. Good luck with your marketing efforts for Rozzite!



Mennati Story

In a world adorned with wonders, there lived a little girl named Mennaty, radiating beauty that transcended the ordinary. Her presence was an enchanting melody, painting life with vibrant hues of innocence and grace. Her laughter, a celestial harmony, blended with the whispers of nature, creating a symphony of pure joy. But life's tapestry is woven with threads both delicate and fleeting. In her early years, Mennaty's beauty was too precious for this world, and she departed, leaving behind an ache that echoed through the heart of our man. She was more than just a daughter; she was his anchor, his muse, and the very heartbeat of his existence. In each corner of his home, fragments of her lingered—her toys, her favorite spaces, the memories they had sewn together. Her absence was a relentless shadow, tugging at his spirit, and he yearned to join her in a realm beyond this world. Yet, in the midst of his sorrow, a dream cradled him. Mennaty appeared before him, a beacon of light and love, guiding him back to the forest they had cherished—a place where dreams danced among the trees, and their bond was alive with every rustling leaf. In this dream, she led him through the familiar woods, her hand nestled in his, just as it had been in life. She showed him how to touch the heart of a tree, to sense its life and stories. Her presence rekindled the ember of his imagination, inspiring him to weave their memories into art that spoke of their eternal connection. From this dream and his love for her, the Mennaty Collection emerged—a tribute to their shared beauty, dreams, and the unbreakable bond of love. Each piece in the collection encapsulated the grace she embodied, the dreams they shared, and the love that transcended the realms. The Mennaty Collection became a legacy of love, a testament to resilience, and a vessel for dreams. It was a bridge between worlds, a tangible reminder that love's essence lives on, even beyond the confines of life. Every design whispered the tale of a father's enduring love and a daughter's timeless presence. As you step into the world of the Mennaty Collection, you step into a story—an ode to beauty, love, and dreams. Each piece is a chapter, an embodiment of their cherished memories, a symphony of their bond. Welcome to a collection where love knows no boundaries, where beauty is eternal, and where dreams are transformed into art that lives on, forever intertwined.


capital office, 124-128-city Road, LONDON, ENGLAND

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